2015In Ruins – Page 1
Hi everyone!
So, I’m finally ready to show you the new comic project I’ve been working on. The pages I’ll be showing you are a prequel to a larger story that I’m developing.
This is a passion project of mine. One I’ve been wanting to create for many years. The series was inspired by the many memorable films and TV shows that I used to watch growing up. I loved the way they fired my imagination! So, this comic will be nostalgic, dramatic, fun, with an occasional tug on the heartstrings. 😉
The prequel, called “In Ruins”, is set on one of four alternate worlds that I will be exploring in the main series.
I’ll be releasing pages every Friday until you have all 10 pages of the prequel. The pages contain coarse language and some violence so, as they say, “viewer discretion is advised”.
Hope you like Page 1 (don’t worry, there’s more dialogue later on)! Thanks and enjoy!

In Ruins – Page 1