It’s “In Ruins” Friday! The end of the prequel is near. Time for Page 8!

In Ruins – Page 8
New Years Day is “In Ruins” as well! 😀 Let’s kick off the New Year with Page 7! Have a fantastic 2016 everyone!
Suggested for Mature Readers.

In Ruins – Page 7
It seems that Christmas is “In Ruins” this year! 😉 Enjoy Page 6 and have a great holiday!
Check back next Friday for more “In Ruins”!
Suggested for Mature Readers.

In Ruins – Page 6
It’s “In Ruins” Friday! We’re halfway! It seems Jake isn’t alone in the wasteland… Check out Page 5 now!

In Ruins – Page 5
In Ruins – Behind the Scenes
Downtown’s white ’69 GTO Pontiac is based on the car my cousin Yens’ had back in the ’80s. Such an awesome machine! I even designed a Devil Girl that Yens painted on the boot of the car. I always wanted to include this car in a comic, so here it finally is! Despite it’s worse-for-wear condition, this is the car that will get you through the apocalypse! (I really should get sponsored by Pontiac for saying stuff like this. 😉 )
Check back next Friday for more “In Ruins”!
Once again, it’s “In Ruins” Day! 🙂 How did the world become the blasted wasteland that it is? Read Page 4 to find out!
Check back next Friday for “In Ruins” Page 5!
“In Ruins” is suggested for Mature Readers.

In Ruins – Page 4
Hi guys! I thought I’d create a behind-the-scenes post to give you some insights on the ideas and reasons behind the “In Ruins” comic.
This post will focus on one of the main characters of “In Ruins” – Jake McKenzie. Jake was based on an “Aftermath” RPG character of mine, back in the late ’80s. I have a picture of him from back then (he was originally called Mike Sterling), that I will include in a later post because of costume spoilers. Rest assured, he also lost an arm and had it replaced with a robotic one in one of the adventures we had. So Jake was always going to have a mechanical arm, it’s not a recent thing. When I was working on the comic and the trailer for “Mad Max: Fury Road” came out, I was all “Dammit!” But Furiosa is her own character and so is Jake (plus her arm is much more basic than his, made of tools and parts).
So, for now, you’ll have to be content with this sketch of him from 2003:

In Ruins – Jake McKenzie
As you can see, his robotic arm was originally on his left side, but when I came to do “In Ruins” I preferred it being on his right. Once it’s revealed, it’s the first thing you notice about him. I’ve simplified his arm down from the 1980s version (influenced by Simon Bisley’s run on the “ABC Warriors”) because I wanted you to be able to look through his arm as well.
Jake’s backstory was created especially for “In Ruins” and more of his history will be revealed later.
Jake was always one of my favourite characters, so I’m glad that I finally got to create a post-apocalyptic comic for him and bring him to life a little bit more.
So, there’s a little taste of some behind-the-scenes facts. Hope you enjoyed them! Let me know in the comments section if you’d like to see more of these kinds of posts.
I’ll see you again on Friday for more “In Ruins”!
It’s “In Ruins” Friday! Time for Page 3! With the past destroyed, we take a look to the future. What hope is left in this desolate landscape?
See you next Friday for Page 4!
“In Ruins” is suggested for Mature Readers.

In Ruins – Page 3
Okay! As promised, here is Page 2 of “In Ruins”, the prequel of my larger story idea.
Thanks to everyone who Liked and commented on Page 1 on Facebook. I really appreciate your support and feel very lucky to have such great friends!
See you next Friday for Page 3! 🙂
“In Ruins” is suggested for Mature Readers.

In Ruins – Page 2
Hi everyone!
So, I’m finally ready to show you the new comic project I’ve been working on. The pages I’ll be showing you are a prequel to a larger story that I’m developing.
This is a passion project of mine. One I’ve been wanting to create for many years. The series was inspired by the many memorable films and TV shows that I used to watch growing up. I loved the way they fired my imagination! So, this comic will be nostalgic, dramatic, fun, with an occasional tug on the heartstrings. 😉
The prequel, called “In Ruins”, is set on one of four alternate worlds that I will be exploring in the main series.
I’ll be releasing pages every Friday until you have all 10 pages of the prequel. The pages contain coarse language and some violence so, as they say, “viewer discretion is advised”.
Hope you like Page 1 (don’t worry, there’s more dialogue later on)! Thanks and enjoy!

In Ruins – Page 1